Quel lieve stupore sereno sul volto;
dove perdi lo sguardo, mamma?
Mamma, cos' ha attratto i tuoi occhi?
Serena eri allora ed ignara
di quanto la vita celava.
Uno sguardo forse perso nel mare
quando il male era ancora lontano.
Solitudine, guerra, attese deluse
e lavoro e fatiche ed ancora speranze.
Tutto perso, tutto andato, sciupato
da chi, forse, troppo poco t'ha amato.
That light serene amazement on your face;
where, mother, are you losing your gaze?
What, mother, is drawing your eyes?
Tranquil in soul you were then, unaware
of what life was concealing to you.
A pure gaze maybe lost in the sea
when the woes were still far away.
Solitude, war, and betrayed waits
and work and strains and hopes anyway.
All lost, all gone, all wasted away
by who, perhaps, too little love gave to you.
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